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Other Trophies
Horse Riding Jockey Trophy - 10"
Horse Head Trophy - 9"
Tennessee Walking Horse Trophy - 7"
Super Horse Head Trophy - 9"
Running Horse Trophy - 8.5"
Dancing Horse Trophy - 10.5"
Indian Chief Trophy - 10.5"
Shire Horse Trophy - 8.5"
Miniature Horse Trophy - 5"
Double Horse Heads Trophy - 9.5"
Hanoverian Mare Horse Trophy - 8"
Lipizzaner Stallion Horse Trophy - 5"
Bronze Horse Head Trophy - 12"
Cowboy Riding Bucking Horse Trophy - 11"
Bucking Horse Trophy - 10"
Jockey and Horse Racing Trophy - 9.5"
Super Horse Head Trophy - 12"
Mother and Baby Running Horse Trophy - 9"
Mother and Baby Horse Trophy - 9"
Cowboy on Bucking Horse Trophy - 13.5"
Thoroughbred Racing Jockey Trophy - 10"
Horse Head Trophy - 11"
Tennessee Walking Horse Trophy - 8"
Super Horse Head Trophy - 14"
Wild Horses Trophy - 9.5"
Jockey Riding Race Horse Trophy - 11"
Indian Warrior on Horse Trophy - 11"
Horse Jumping Equestrian Trophy - 11.5"
Horse Jumping Trouble Equestrian Trophy - 10"
Western Cowboy and Bucking Horse Trophy - 11"
Bucking Bronco Cowboy Trophy - 12"
Western Horse Riding Cowboy Trophy - 11.5"
Large Standing Horse Trophy - 12"